As to me, I know of nothing else but miracles, To
me, every hour of the light and dark is a miracle, -Walt Whitman
Welcome to the “Miracles” Art Exhibit and Poetry/Prose Contest. I’m so glad you found us! This contest is being held in conjunction with the “Miracles” art exhibit at the Walt Whitman Birthplace Museum in West Hills, NY opposite the Walt Whitman Mall in Huntington, NY as part of the Museum’s celebration of National Poetry Month. It is our intention to create a lively and fun event that will provoke all of us to tap into our inner authors and provide a forum for us to share our literary creations with one another. Walt Whitman, one of the most famous and lyrical American poets was largely self taught. It is my wish that people who might not ordinarily participate in a writing contest but dream of writing will decide that this is a great opportunity to get their feet wet. We will also be delighted to read work from entrants who have been pursing writing more formally. The three lines above from the Walt Whitman poem, “Miracles” were my direct inspiration for the images that comprise this exhibit. This incredibly life affirming piece of poetry resonated at the deepest part of my being and spoke to my sense of awe at the seemingly ordinary moments that can be imbued with a magical quality as well as those moments that lift us out of our everyday existence into the world of the truly miraculous and numinous. I believe that the gift of seeing the miracles in our lives is especially important at this time in history, when it is all to easy to give in to the sense of fear and disempowerment that seems to be pervading the very air we breathe. As one of my mentors taught me at a very young age, “It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.” I created all of the pieces in this exhibit while I was in that wonderful state of artistic flow where time and space cease to have any meaning. The artwork in this exhibit is the manifestation of my reflections on the nature of miracles with many thanks to Walt Whitman. Click here to learn more about the artist Pauline Southard. Please visit the nine selected images from the “Miracles” exhibit. The complete series will be on display at the Walt Whitman Museum Birthplace from April 22, 2007 through the June 3, 2007 celebration of Walt Whitman’s birthday. Let your inspiration flow and respond to the images with your original poetry and/or prose. You may e-mail your pieces to KarmicKat@aol.com or mail them to Lady Kat Photography, 195 Hudson Ave. Freeport, NY 11520 between February 28, 2007- March 31, 2007. We will announce the winners at the “Miracles” opening reception on Sunday, April 22, 2007 at 1:30 PM at the Walt Whitman Museum in West Hills NY (opposite the Walt Whitman Mall in Huntington, NY). You MUST be present to win!! The winners will read their poetry and prose and claim their prizes. We will be offering prizes in two categories: Adults (ages 18 and up) and Young Adults (ages 15 and up) We will be offering a 1st place award in both categories worth $100, a 2nd place award worth $75 and a 3rd place award valued at $75. Expect some surprises as well! Please visit the Walt Whitman Birthplace Museum website www.waltwhitman.org for directions and more information on the life of Walt Whitman. Please click here to read the formal entry rules before submitting your poems and/or prose. We are looking forward to reading the creations of your soul with happy anticipation. Good luck!